For Immediate Release
RALEIGH, NC - 01/20/2023
Contact: Robert L. Ford,

Perdue Farms Announces Partnership with GreenGasUSA, 17 Percent Companywide Net Reduction in Carbon Emissions

Perdue Farms has partnered with GreenGasUSA to further the company's carbon-reduction goals. In late 2022, GreenGas completed installation of equipment at Perdue's operations in Lewiston, N.C. to capture the methane from the operation's onsite wastewater treatment facility and convert it to renewable natural gas (RNG). Through GreenGas' partnership with large food producers, industrial and manufacturing companies all across the United States, the pipeline-grade RNG is transported from Perdue's Lewiston operation to a GreenGas RNG pipeline interconnection hub, where it is injected into existing pipelines and made available to their customers.

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